Join us
Become a member, volunteer or come work for us. We are always looking for enthusiastic ambitious people who believe in the Peaceful Place approach to living well.
Peaceful Place offers a fun, safe, warm environment for persons living with young or early onset dementia wishing to learn new or continue with their own hobbies, talents and interests.
​Details of the services we offer, costs and funding options can be found at this link.
You can call us for a chat, or send us your details on the form at this link , we will get back to you as soon as we can.
If you find that you or your loved one requires a higher level of care please contact us as we work in partnership with other services that can cater to these needs.
Family Carer​
We recognise that as a spouse or carer of a person diagnosed with young and early onset dementia you also require support, advice and direction. Peaceful Place will help you navigate the system as different needs emerge.
​Details of the services we offer, costs and funding options can be found at this link.
Peaceful Place offers a great opportunity for volunteers to join our community. We are open to any person wishing to bring their interest or skill into the centre. We are at present seeking volunteer drivers, artists, knitters, musicians, wood carvers, sports enthusiasts or maybe you would like to share your baking or cooking skills in our beautiful kitchen with our members. You may be interested in giving up a Saturday morning to help us develop our sales skills at market stalls. Whatever your interest we are keen to hear from you. It may be that you simply would like to join our walk and talk group in the local area and then join us for a coffee after.
For more information, please visit our Volunteering page here.
Job Vacancies
We are looking for skilled, enthusiastic professionals to join our team. Latest vacancies available here.